PIDAN Sodium Bentonite Cat Litter is a high-quality scoopable cat litter madefrom mineral clay sourced from Mineral Technologies® in the USA. The litterundergoes strict testing to ensure its quality. It clumps quickly, trappingodors and preventing liquid from reaching the bottom of the litter box.
The different sizes of the bentonite particles and the addition of blackactivated carbon and blue STA particles work together to effectively capture andtrap odors. No fragrances or flavors have been added to the litter, but it mayemit a faint mineral odor when exposed to water. This litter is cost-effective,lasting 3–4 weeks for most single-cat households. However, it should not beflushed down the toilet.
Please note: Vacuum packaging is used for transportation convenience and doesnot affect the product quality. It is recommended to store the litter in a dryand cool place and use it as soon as possible after opening. Regular cleaning ofthe litter box is also recommended for best results.