Discomfort and pain experienced during breastfeeding can detract fromthis amazing time of bonding with your baby.
The Rite Aid Hydrogel Breast Discs cool and soothe sore nipples, at the sametime, creating the optimal environment for healing broken and inflamed skin.Breastfeeding mothers Australia wide have been using and recommending thisproduct to aid discomfort and return to breastfeeding sooner.
- Comes in a pack of 12
- Soothes cracked and sore nipples
- Restores the skin's natural moisture
- Aids healing of broken skin
- Hygienically sealed
- Absorbs leakage
What are Hydrogel Dressings?
Hydrogel dressings are water based treatments designed to provide a moistenvironment to accelerate the healing process. The dressings cool and soothe thewound area, at the same time, restoring moisture to the wound. Unliketraditional dressings, hydrogel dressings do not adhere to the wound, reducingthe trauma to the skin when it is removed. When applied to a wound, the hydrogelcreates a barrier around the wound to protect against bacteria and excessivefluid loss. The successful results from this innovative treatment have made itthe ideal dressing for treating wounds such as burns, sores and pressure ulcersfor over 20 years.