Research is clear that on the back is the best way for your baby to sleep. Itis twice as safe as the side and six times safer than the front. Sleeping yourbaby on the back is one of the best ways to protect your baby from sudden infantdeath syndrome.
Some babies develop misshapen, flat or an uneven head shape from too muchtime spent lying on one part of the head. This is called ‘positionalhead-flattening’ or medically the term is Plagiocephaly(play-gee-oh-kef-a-lee).
During the first few months the bones of your baby’s skull are quite soft.Pressure from lying on the same spot, can make the head change shape. In ourbusy lifestyle we often have baby lying flat against a surface.
Although there is no evidence that head flattening causes harm, most parentswould like to prevent it.
Your newborn will generally stay in the position they are placed for sleep,until they can move themselves. You need to alternate your baby’s headposition when they sleep. However some babies prefer a certain headposition.
Your baby may be born with a slight flat spot due to the delivery. This canmake their head rest more easily on that spot. Or they may have a favourite headposition and so a flat area develops from habit. This is where the BABY HEADSHAPE SUPPORT comes in handy.
The curved design of the BABY HEAD SHAPE SUPPORT gently supports yourbaby’s head and eases the pressure on the back of the head. The support stillallows your baby natural movement without restriction or discomfort.
- The BABY HEAD SHAPE SUPPORT is made from memory foam with a soft cottoncover for breathability.
- It can be used in a variety of circumstances when baby is lying flat in thecot, on the floor or in the stroller.
- Due to the ergonomically designed shape of the BABY HEAD SHAPE SUPPORT itallows your baby to move naturally without any restriction.
- The Baby Head Shape Support is suitable for new-borns to 4 months of age oruntil your baby has begun to roll.
- The BABY HEAD SHAPE SUPPORT is not a regular pillow and does not lift yourbaby’s head. Instead, it provides gentle cradling to reduce pressure onthe skull.
- White cotton cover included.