- Healtheries Men’s Multi One-A-Day is a high-potency one-a-daymultivitamin and mineral supplement specifically formulated to help busy NewZealand men “top up” the nutrients they most need.
- This tablet contains high potency B vitamins and Ginseng to support stamina,performance and the energy to manage a busy schedule.
- Vitamin C, D3 and E, Betacarotene, Selenium and Zinc to support healthyimmunity.
- Contains Tribulus to support men's sexual health.
- Combined with Probiotics for digestive health and wellbeing.
Why use Healtheries Men's Multi One-A-Day?
We all know that a healthy, balanced diet is the best way to get the vitaminsand minerals our bodies need. But for some men, rushing around all day…it canbe hard to get enough of the right food to get the nutrients they need.
Healtheries Men’s Multi One-A-Day is a comprehensive, high-potency,one-a-day multivitamin and mineral supplement that’s packed with thenutrients men need. Combined with Probiotics for digestive health and wellbeing,it provides high-strength B vitamins and Korean Ginseng for extra energy.There’s even Tribulus and Zinc to help support immunity and male sexualhealth.
Recommended For
- Topping up men’s diets to make sure they get all the vitamins andminerals they need
- Helping to improve energy levels in men who are feeling tired, stressed oroverworked
- Supporting good health in men who tend to have too much caffeine, alcohol ornicotine
- Ensuring that men on a restricted or low-calorie diet get all the nutrientsthey need
- Supporting performance levels in sportsmen
Contains No
Gluten, wheat, egg, artificial flavours or artificial sweeteners.
- If you’re taking prescription medication, consult your healthcareprofessional before you use this product.
- This product is not suitable for children – keep it out oftheir reach.
- If you have high blood pressure, please use this product with caution.
Directions for Use
Adults: Take 1 tablet daily with food, or as directed byyour healthcare professional.
- Vitamin B1: 30mg
- Vitamin B2: 25mg
- Nicotinamide: 30mg
- Pantothenic acid: 50mg
- Vitamin B6: 30mg
- Folic Acid: 300mcg
- Vitamin B12: 40mcg
- Zinc: 15mg
- Selenium: 20mcg
- Magnesium: 50mg
- Calcium50mg
- Manganese1mg
- Iron: 1mg
- Chromium: 50mcg
- Iodine: 50mcg
- Betacarotene: 2mg
- Vitamin C: 50mg
- Vitamin D3 (100 IU): 2.5mcg
- Vitamin E (100 IU): 25mg
- Korean Ginseng root ext. equiv. dry: 600mg
- Bacillus Coagulans: 500mill CFU
- Tribulus terrestris fruit ext. equiv. dry: 1000mg
- Colour, natural flavour, tabletting aids
Ingredient information
Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)
- Panax Ginseng is also known as Korean Ginseng.
- Traditionally, Panax Ginseng has been used as an aphrodisiac and energyenhancer; as well as to help improve immunity.
- Today, this herb is classed as an “adaptogen”, which means it helps thebody adapt better to all kinds of stress
- Research has shown that Panax Ginseng helps to increase vitality, supportsimmunity and enhances physical and mental performance.
Tribulus terrestris (Tribulus)
- Supports male sexual health.
- Supports cardiovascular health.
Vitamins E and, Beta-Carotene and Selenium
- Vitamins E and A, Beta-Carotene and Selenium are natural antioxidants thathelp to protect the body from free radical damage, and assist with healthy agingand immunity.
- Your body can generate free radicals as a result of poor diet, stress,sunlight, or exposure to environmental pollutants.
B Complex Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12,Folic Acid)
- B complex vitamins are critical for the body to metabolise carbohydrates,protein and fat into energy.
- Stress or poor diet can deplete B complex vitamin levels.
- Low B complex vitamin levels can lead to tiredness, irritability, emotionalimbalance, digestive problems, and difficulties coping with stress.
- B Vitamins should be taken as a complex, as individual B vitamins tend towork together.
Vitamin C
- Vitamin C is “the immunity vitamin”. It helps your body to build upresistance to coughs and colds; and can also help to reduce yourrecovery time.
- Your white blood cells (part of your immune system) need Vitamin C tofunction normally and help you fight off bacterial / viral infections.
- Your adrenal glands use up Vitamin C when they respond to stressfulsituations (e.g. sudden temperature changes, change of seasons, lifestress, etc).
- Your body uses Vitamin C to make collagen – a protein that helps to formhealthy skin, ligaments, tendons, bones and teeth. That’s why Vitamin C isuseful when you’re healing from surgery and injury.
- Vitamin C helps your body to absorb Iron – a mineral you need for healthyred blood cells, which help to reduce fatigue and improve your energylevels.
Vitamin D/Calcium
- The body uses Calcium to build strong, healthy, dense bones. The Calcium inHealtheries Men’s Multi One-A-Day is chelated to help the body absorb itbetter.
- Vitamin D helps the body to absorb and use dietary Calcium andPhosphorus.
- Zinc is an essential mineral for healthy sperm production, and a healthyprostate gland.
- Low Zinc levels may contribute to prostate enlargement.
- The body uses Zinc to help it absorb and use B complex vitamins.
- Zinc also assists the body to cope with stress and fatigue, and helps toheal injuries.
- Your body uses Magnesium to help maintain nervous system and emotionalbalance.
- Magnesium helps to balance out the Calcium levels in your body. It alsohelps to keep Calcium soluble, which assists in preventing stones fromforming.
- Magnesium can also help to relax tense or cramping muscles.
- High sugar, coffee, and alcohol intake can reduce your levels. Low Magnesiumlevels can then lead to irritability and anxiety.
- Manganese is used to form blood, and to help your body metabolise fats andcarbohydrates.
- Your body also uses Manganese to produce some hormones, including sexhormones and thyroxine (which helps to regulate weight and energy levels)
- Your body uses Iron to produce haemoglobin, the molecule that transportsoxygen to your tissues and muscles. This is why low Iron levels can affect yourenergy levels.
- Healtheries Men’s Multi One-A-Day uses ferrous Iron, which is easier foryour body to absorb.
- Chromium is a trace mineral that your body uses to maintain balanced bloodsugar and triglyceride levels.
- Chromium helps your body to metabolise energy from glucose, and plays a rolein synthesising fatty acids and cholesterol. It also appears to increase theeffectiveness of insulin.
- Iodine is an essential trace mineral that your thyroid gland uses to producethe hormones that help to regulate your energy levels.
- New Zealand soils are low in Iodine, so if you don’t eat enough seafood oruse iodised salt, you may have low Iodine levels
- Selenium is another trace mineral that acts as a powerful naturalantioxidant to help protect your body from free radical damage. This may affectheart health, joint health and blood sugar balance.
- New Zealand has very low Selenium levels in its soil.
Bacillus Coagulans
- Scientifically researched advanced probiotic
- Supports a healthy immune and digestive system
Delivery Rates
Current Promotion: Free Shipping for Orders over $150
We charge a flat rate of $6 NZD per shipment under $150. Orders are shipped using New Zealand Post. Parcels are shipped with no-signature required.
Delivery Times
Mighty Mart orders ship from Mighty Ape, based in Auckland, New Zealand.
We use Courier Post which allows fast and reliable delivery to destinations across their comprehensive domestic network. Delivery times vary depending on a product's stock status and the intended delivery address.
Most In stock products are delivered overnight anywhere in New Zealand – provided the order is placed before the advertised cut-off time. Our Overnight Delivery cut-off is usually 3:30pm Monday to Friday. Larger products take an additional 1–2 days to be delivered to the South Island. Rural Delivery and Dangerous Goods may take an additional day for delivery.
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Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.