Feng Shui describes the Chinese system of divination that uses the laws ofboth heaven and earth to improve life by receiving positive energy. Thisremarkable blend of fruits and flower will certainly energise your taste budswith its light, sweet raspberry and fruit taste
Ingredients: green sencha tea with carrot flakes, pineapplecubes, papaya, lemongrass, sunflower blossom, raspberry fruit granulate (glucosesyrup, wheat, sugar, raspberries, sodium alginate)
100g green tea in tin caddy
About Tea Total
About Tea Total
It all began in 1995 when the words premium + tea weren’t commonly usedtogether. Tea Total’s founder saw the opportunity for tea lovers to enjoy aquality cup of tea at their local café without this being a supermarket teabag! From there the journey has grown with Tea Total crafting and blending over150 teas using only the highest quality ingredients and ethically sourcedpremium teas for all New Zealanders to enjoy as an everyday luxury.
In 2018 Shelley Magee, a passionate tea lover, traded in her corporatecareer for a long awaited dream of owning her own business. It was a huge leapof faith and as they say, the rest is history! The words now resonate, if onlyI had done this sooner, but life is all about timing!
Tea Total is a truly family owned Kiwi business, with Shelley’s threedaughters all working part time in the business, either running social media,serving in the shop or packing in the warehouse. Her husband looks after the ITside of the business and runs the tea machines as required. As a family, theylive and breathe tea all day, everyday, it’s taken over their lives in awonderful way.
We believe tea is made to be shared, and we are here to share the joy thatcomes with every cup, while having fun along the way.“
Ethically Sourced
At Tea Total we only work with socially responsible suppliers who value ourprinciples and share our commitment in ethically and sustainably sourcing ourproducts.
As a producer and distributor of food, valuing premium quality,sustainability and preserving resources are our top priorities. We only partnerwith suppliers and businesses who strictly reject child and forced labour andadhere to a code of conduct that doesn’t discriminate on gender, race,appearance, religion or age.
Our breakfast blends and some traditional black and green teas are purchaseddirectly from the tea estates in India, Japan and Sri Lanka. There are no middlemen involved, we pay a good price, it is far in excess of the amount they wouldreceive from giant multinationals. Workers are unionised, they work eight-hourdays, five days per week, receive free housing, electricity, schooling andmedical clinics. Because of these conditions, positions are much sought afterand often handed down within families.
Our blended teas (fruit infusions, herbal teas and Earl Greys) are certifiedaccording to European International Food Standards (IFS) and tested in Germanlaboratories for over 500 chemicals and pesticides. This ensures a level ofquality that is without equal.