Nair Sensitive Hair Removal Cream with moisturising Sweet Almond Oil isspecially formulated for sensitive skin and is gentle enough to use anywhere onthe body – legs, bikini area, underarms and face.
Enriched with Almond Oil which is rich in Vitamin A B & E, it helps tomaintain moisture levels of the skin and prevent irritation. Perfect forsensitive skin, Nair Sensitive Hair Removal Cream will moisturise your skinleaving it soft and smooth.
Smooth on thickly to cover hair. DO NOT RUB IN. After 3 – 4 minutes, test asmall area. If hair is not easily removed, re-apply and wait longer. DO NOTEXCEED 10 MINUTES. For especially coarse or hard-to-remove hair, saturate hairwith warm water for several minutes before, pat dry, then apply. DO NOTSWALLOW.
Rinse thoroughly with warm water using a washcloth. DO NOT RUB OR USE SOAP. Patdry. Cap tube tightly when not in use.